The 2025 Trout Sale has finished taking orders! We were able to take orders up until Monday, May 5th.
Here are the basics:
If you ordered smaller (6-8″) trout, you will need to pick these up at the Brattleboro Blue Seal (formerly Agway) on Wednesday, May 14th between 1 and 1:30 PM. All fish not picked up during this window are forfeit. Any food you ordered will also be picked up at the same time.
If you ordered larger (10-12″) trout, these will be delivered to your pond directly. Any food you ordered will be delivered at the same time. We will need to confirm your delivery address and any special directions prior to delivery, so look for an email from us seeking these details. It is helpful if you flag your pond to make it clear for the delivery driver.
- There are two options for ordering fish:
- 6-8” fish must be order in quantities of 25 and are to be picked up at the Brattleboro Blue Seal on Wednesday, May 14th, between 1 and 1:30pm.
- 10-12” fish have a minimum order of 50 fish and will be delivered to your pond, mostly on pick-up date, but it may vary. Coordination is required with the District
- Please see Details for 2025 Trout Stocking Program for important information
- We are happy to again offer online ordering – Online Orders and Payment Options – visit Order Online
- we are still happy to accept mail orders and check payments as well.
To view or download the order form, click below:
To place an order online, please visit: Order Online
Information for People New to Stocking Ponds (and good information for the rest of us too)
Is your pond ready for Fish?
Before stocking, check your pond for suitability for trout. Water depth should be at least 8 feet. (This can be measured with a weighted rope.) Your pond’s water should be clear (clear enough, for example, to see a white 10” diameter object at a depth of 6 feet or more.) And the bottom temperature in the summer shouldn’t exceed 68 degrees F. Rainbows can tolerate warmer water than brook trout.
Which Trout Should I Order?
While both Brook and Rainbow trout are great fish, for first-time stockers, Rainbow trout are recommended. Brook trout are more sensitive and need a cold, clear, deep pond that runs year-round. Rainbow trout are more temperature hardy and can deal with slightly murkier water than Brook trout.
Ordering Fish for Delivery to Your Pond
- You must order a minimum of 50 of the 10-12” fish to qualify for pond deliver.
- Delivery’s can be made in Windham County. If you are outside of Windham County, please talk to us to discuss.
- For deliveries, we need detailed information on where to deliver the fish. We need a good 911 address and information on how to get to the pond. Remember to flag the pond if you have more than one pond on your property. Please include a cell phone number (if possible) on your order form. Trout not delivered cannot be returned to the trout farm facility.
Picking Up Your Fish at the Brattleboro Agway Location
- Pick-up is between 1-1:30pm on Wednesday, May 14th at the Brattleboro Blue Seal near Exit 3.
- Trout will be forfeited if they are not picked up during the allotted time frame. Trout, once bagged cannot be returned to the fish tank.
- Fish can last up to two hours in the bag, so plan to bring the fish directly to the pond. Don’t plan to do any errands after picking up the fish.
- In case of an emergency and you can not get your fish, call the District Office at 802-254-5323 Ext. 104. We will check for messages that morning.
- Please make a copy of your order form so you know what you have ordered.